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明茶房 [送禮套裝] Tea Gift Sets by MingCha
大方得體的茶禮品一定會帶來喜悅及驚喜!每款禮品以紅布配以如意結包裹,增添喜慶。 Presentable tea gifts for all occasions.
明茶房[金銀滿屋] MingCha Gold [230g/38 balls]
以華麗金色錫紙包着藏茶自2010年春天採福建福鼎的茶芽及葉,製成壽眉白茶,於2013年捏製緊壓成球成球,然後每顆用金錫紙獨立包裹成球,每罐共有38顆。壽眉(茶芽)形態及顏色像壽星公的眉毛,大喜日子送禮寓意長壽、長長久久及金銀滿屋的美意。白茶具抗氧化及抗衰老功效、適合各種體格人士及長輩飲用。 | This vintage tea is a shou mei (white tea) compressed & aged since 2010. Shou mei refers to its silvery white needles like the elderly's eye brows, symbolizes longevity. White tea is said to have anti-oxidizing and anti-ageing effect, it is gentle for all body types especially for seniors. Each glass jar contains 38 golden tea balls. Net weight: 230g$999.00明茶房[大紅大紫] MingCha Blossoms [300g/38 balls]
38顆手工紮作而成的茉莉仙桃,代表生生發發。 | Contains 38 beads of handcrafted jasmine blossoms. | 沖泡時,苿莉花香樸鼻,茶葉更如花般綻放,寓意「花開富貴」、「心花怒放」,賞心悅目。 | The tea opens up like a flower in water, symbolizing “prosperity and wealth”, and full of jasmine aroma. Net weight: 300g.$888.00
明茶房 [茉莉仙桃] Jasmine Blossoms by MingCha
皇牌產品。 人手扎作成球,用新鮮茉莉花薰香六次。茶球在水中綻放,花香樸鼻,可來回沖泡6次。又靚又好飲。 Hero product. A handcrafted blooming tea ball scented with fresh jasmine flowers for 6 times. Aromatic and delicious.
明茶房[玻璃茶壺連茉莉仙桃]套裝 MingCha Teapot Set - Jasmine Blossoms
耐高温玻璃茶壺 x 1 + 雙層玻璃杯 x 2 + 茉莉仙桃 x 4。 Glass tea pot with built-in strainer x 1, double layer glass cups x 2, jasmine blossoms (hero product) in glass tube x 4 balls. | 沖泡時可細賞 "花開富貴" 的過程, 色、香、味令你一試難忘。一球可來回泡六次或以上。$528.00茉莉仙桃 Jasmine Blossoms [100g/12 balls]
舒緩壓力,抗氧化及抗衰老。 | Relaxing, Anti-oxidizing & ageing | 將春採大白茶芽及嫩葉、百合及千日紅用人手紮作成球。再經過新鮮茉莉花「窨」(燻)六遍,成為充滿茉莉花香的開花茶。 | A handcrafted tea ball made with tender green leaves and needles of da bai tea tree, tied together with lily and thousand day red with a cotton thread into a ball. It is then scented with fresh jasmine flowers 6 times. | 原產地 Origin: 中國福建省福鼎。 Fuding, Fujian, China | 100%全天然綠茶葉。 100% Green tea and flowers. Net weight: 100g (12 balls).$360.00
明茶房 [極品手工茶] Handcrafted Teas by MingCha
原產地手採、用傳統方法製作,展現茶的色、香、味,令你一試難忘。 Handcrafted teas from authentic origins, processed in traditional methods. Each has its distinctive aroma, taste and after-taste.
馬騮搣 (古方鐵觀音) | (烏龍茶 | Oolong Tea) | Monkey Pick (Teguanyin Classic) [120g]
溫暖炭香,帶花香餘韻,回味甘香,生津止渴。 | Clean, fresh smells of early morning woods. Warming aroma. Smooth, brisk and strong infusion. Quenching after-taste | 微溫性,助消化,降膽固醇 Warm, aid digestion and lower blood cholesterols | 原產地 Origin: 福建省安溪縣 Western Anxi, Fujian, China | 100%全天然烏龍茶葉 100% Natural Oolong tea.$480.00明前龍井 First Flush Longjin (綠茶 | Green Tea) [90g]
帶烤穀般的香氣(豆香)﹑湯清亮﹑質感細滑﹑味新銳﹑鮮爽而回甘清涼 | Nutty & malty aroma. Crisp, sharp taste. Cooling after-taste on the sides of tongue | 中性,抗氧化 Neutral, anti-oxidizing | 原產地 Origin:浙江省杭州地區 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China | 100%全天然綠茶葉 100% Natural Green Tea |$800.00坦洋工夫紅 Tanyang Golden Rim (福安紅茶 | Fu-on Red Tea) [75g]
口味香醇帶果香,鮮爽柔滑,湯質厚滑,回甘味長。可與牛奶,蜜糖,檸檬,香料相搭配。 | Sweet, fruity aroma. Fresh, smooth taste. Sweet after-taste. Can be enjoyed with milk, honey, lemon or spices; or can be infused using gungfu infusion method and sipped in its pure form. Can be served chilled. | 微溫性,回復體力,助血液循環,助消化。 Warm, revivifying, aids blood circulation & digestion. | 原產地 Origin: 中國福建省福安地區。 Fu-on area, Fujian, China | 100%純天然紅茶葉。 100% Natural red tea.$380.00勐海金尖普洱 Menghai Tippy Puer (黑茶 | Black Tea) [120g]
味醇和,滋味豐富,回甘味甜。 | Warm woody aroma, fully body, mellow, smooth, sweet and long taste with chestnut tone. No bitterness | 控制體重,助消化。 Neutral, controls weight, aids digestion | 原產地 Origin: 雲南西雙版納地區。 Menghai, Xishuangbanna area, Yunnan Province, China | 100% 全天然黑茶。 100% black tea |$998.00特級珍藏金尖普洱 (三十年普洱 | 30 Years Puer ) X'tra Old Tippy Puer [120g]
陳香中帶獨特之林木氣色,湯色深褐紅而卻澄明通透,味醇和、滋味豐富、回甘味甜。| Earthy, woody aroma. Full body, mellow, smooth, and strong taste. | 控制體重,助消化。| Neutral, controls weight, aids digestion | 原產地: 雲南西雙版納地區。| Origin: Menghai, Xishuangbanna area, Yunnan Province, China | 100% 全天然黑茶。 100% black tea.$2,068.00包裝服務 (只適用於包裹2罐茶葉) -紅色禮盒連明茶房喜慶紅色不織布包裝 Gift Wrapping Service (ONLY applicable to 2 canisters)-a red gift box with wrapping
包裝服務 (只適用於包裹2罐茶葉) -紅色禮盒連明茶房喜慶紅色不織布包裝 Gift Wrapping Service (ONLY applicable to 2 canisters)-a red gift box with wrapping$48.00
明茶房 [泡茶神器] 套裝 Thermo Brewing Bottle Set by MingCha
泡靚茶要有泡茶神器!將茶葉放入泡茶倉,放入熱水,扭緊,將神器反轉一分鐘,一杯靚茶就泡好。雙層不鏽鋼可保溫5個鐘。 Best ware for brewing delicious tea anytime anywhere.
明茶房[泡茶神器]茶禮盒 (普洱) MingCha Thermo Brewing Bottle Tea Set (Puer)
茉莉仙桃 (2球) x 1盒 + 勐海金尖普洱2002 (黑茶) x 1罐 + 保温泡茶瓶 (泡茶神器) x 1。 | Jasmine blossoms (2 balls) x 1, Menghai tippy puer 2002 (black tea 20 years) x 1, Thermos brewing bottle x 1.$1,149.00明茶房[泡茶神器]茶禮盒- 馬騮搣 (烏龍茶) MingCha Thermo Brewing Bottle Tea Set (Oolong)
茉莉仙桃 (2球) x 1盒 、馬騮搣 (古方鐵觀音及烏龍茶) x 1罐 及保温泡茶瓶 (泡茶神器)。 | Jasmine blossoms (2 balls) x 1, tieguanyin classic -monkey pick (oolong) x 1 and thermo brewing bottle x 1.$693.00
明茶房 [快靚正] 養生茶包 Wellness Tea Bags by MingCha
養生茶包令你飲得開心又健康。 Tea blends in tea bags designed to keep you happy and healthy!
暖笠笠茶 Warm Warm Tea [1.5g x 7bags]
温性,可暖和身體同有助血液循環 For cold hands and feet, warming, improves circulation | 1.5g x 7 Bags | 原產地 Origin: 中國 China | 烏龍茶配玫瑰花 Oolong Tea and Rose |$60.00醒神茶 Sharp Sing Tea [1.5g x 7bags]
白茶配茉莉綠茶 White Tea and Jasmine Green Tea | 保持年輕,醒神,紓緩壓力 Anti-ageing, Refreshing, Relaxing | 1.5g x 7 Bags | 原產地 Origin: 中國 China |$60.00
明茶房 [花飲] Flower Teas by MingCha
2款茉莉花茶及3款頂級花飲,有助紓緩,減壓,美顏。 2 Jasmine scented green teas and 3 top grade flowers for calming and relaxing.
明茶房茉莉仙桃 x 12球 (罐) MingCha Jasmine Blossoms x 12 balls (Canister)
舒緩壓力,抗氧化及抗衰老 | Relaxing, Anti-oxidizing & ageing | 將春採大白茶芽及嫩葉、百合及千日紅用人手紮作成球。再經過新鮮茉莉花「窨」(燻)六遍,成為充滿茉莉花香的開花茶 | A handcrafted tea ball made with tender green leaves and needles of Da Bai Tea Tree, tied together with Lily and Thousand Day Red with a cotton thread into a ball. It is then scented with fresh jasmine flowers 6 times | 原產地 Origin: 中國福建省福鼎 Fuding, Fujian, China | 100%全天然綠茶葉 100% Green Tea and Flowers$360.00茉莉小蜜珠 Jasmine Pearls [110g]
原產地 Origin: 中國 China。 | 花香撲鼻,抗氧抗衰老。 Sweet jasmine aroma, anti-ageing. | 春收綠茶茶芽揉成小珠狀,與苿莉花窨花6 次成茶。 Spring-harvest downy green leaf buds rolled pearls, scented 6 times with fresh jasmine flowers.$360.00玫瑰小蕾 Rose Buds ((罐) [50g]
溫性,寧神,助血液循環 Warm, calming, aid blood circulation | 原產地 Origin: 中國 China | 高級玫瑰花蕾 Premium grade rose buds |$218.00野生秋菊 (罐) Wild Chrysanthemums [50g]
清熱、解毒、明目 Cool, detoxifying, good for eyes | 原產地 Origin: 中國 China | 產品 Product: 高級杭州菊花 Premium Chrysanthemums |$218.00